Tuesday, March 12, 2013


The Veldt

More is not always better because the more you have is the more powerful you think you are.
I dont to do anything but look,listen,smell.Thats like i want a slave to do everything else.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


In our utopia it is split into two districts: North and South. You are choosen in to a district by a series of mental test and also physical abilities at the age of 19. By the age of 20 you will have a result and move from our little island reserves to either district North or South. We do not show any disrespect or any unorderly conduct to people of different races and here we are bilingual as well. At the age of 25 you have a choice to have children. If so you will have to move back to our island reserve. There is no set limit for the number of kids you can have at the moment. Our community is a democrancy but, the people are limited to fire arms.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


 In our utopia we encourage individuality for all. You have all your daliy choices to a certain extent. School and work environment is based on the Districts decison.


  1. top
  2. pot
  3. at
  4. put
  5. pit
  6. tip
  7. oat
  8. auto
  9. pout
  10. patio
  11. out
  12. tap
  13. pat
  14. up
  15. to
  16. it
  17. pita
  18. tin
  19. nap
  20. pan
  21. tan
  22. nip
  23. ton
  24. punt
  25. an
  26. nat
  27. paint
  28. pi
  29. piano
  30. point
  31. anti
  32. ant
  33. upon
  34. aunt
  35. tuna
  36. unit
  37. pain
  38. pint
  39. untap
  40. pin
  41. no
  42. in
  43. on

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Street art utopia

We are all not the same just look at the picture.We are the same on the inside.In our utopia we accept all races ethnisities.Everyone is welcome in our utopian society.